
Friday, February 18, 2011

Free Recharge 100% Working

My be you are impressed by the heading "free recharge", usually very popular in orkut forums these days and other social networking websites. But friends this is a trap, what is going on here is that http://sn.imis a yrl shrinker website helps you to make your url shorter, so the link after clicking redirects you to the script page that can end in BLOCKING YOUR ORKUT ACCOUNT Temporary or may be permanently in some cases,so do not try this ok because recharging is only done through the Telecoms server algorithms which generate logical numbers i.e 16 digit of your recharge coupons. So its not possible to generate such kind of recharge digits by individuals.

So here is the below social eng. techniques to penitrate users to click on the links.Which will force the user to click on the link.

Do you Know About Free Recharge
Changed By Orkut here is the new link... ENJOY FREE RECHARGE RS 500 DAILY .


ORwww. sn. im/free-recharge-cell

Copy n Paste link where www , orkut, com / Main *#Home is written i.e orkut home page

Finally which works orkut Got Working Script !!

NUMBER of Orkutians got recharge:50452


So be attentive and don't be a fool.Because there is a say that "There are two things in this world which have no ends, ist os the UNIVERSE and Second is "Human's Stupidity".

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